
Hello world.

I guess I’ll start by telling you about myself.

I’m a 33 year old female currently residing in New Jersey, in a suburb of Philadelphia. My life now is fairly normalized in comparison to my history. I work for a medical publisher in Philadelphia and I’m currently in the process of buying my first house with my fiance. I collect vinyl records, thrive on creativity and intelligence, and, in the past year, have really enjoyed getting into exercising.

The point of this blog is to share about the lessons and adventures of my past, present, and future. Now, why would this stand out compared to others’ reflections? Because coming to this point in life has been a long, adventurous journey. I have quite the experience with mental illness; I was diagnosed as mixed-type bipolar at the age of 15. My symptoms occurred as early as the 1st grade. I was dealt quite the hand in genetics. Mental illness and addiction runs rampad in my paternal side of my family. I am grateful, however, that now being bipolar is a lot like being diabetic.

Now that I’m productive, stabilized, and focused, I want to share freely on how I became that way despite the odds. At this day and age, mental illness shouldn’t be feared and misunderstood to the extent that it is. The ongoing stigmatization is so unfortunate, which is why I will be posting my stories anonymously. We are people with real struggles just like you; we are not less than.

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